5 Ways To Keep Your Office Desk Clean

5 Ways To Keep Your Office Desk Clean

Whether you are working from home or working in the office, it is important to keep your office desk organized and clean. It's easy to keep putting it off, but if you slam it out you will feel so much better about working in a nice, uncluttered space. Here are a few tips and tricks on keeping your office desk organized that will make it easier to maintain a clean work space!

Tidy Up Stacks of Papers

We are in a digital age, but paperwork still collects for some, and it can get out of hand quickly! Just glancing at a growing pile of papers can cause a lot of extra anxiety. Here's how to quickly and easily get those papers sorted:

  • Grab the stack of papers and separate them into piles by category.

  • Put each stack away into its designated folder or start a new folder if needed. If they need attention in the near future, add them to your inbox.

  • If you are holding onto something that was already taken care of, throw it away. Use a recycle bin or shredder, depending on what type of information the document contains.

Set a reminder to do this at the beginning or end of your work week. This will help you stay on top of not only the clutter, but any items on your to do list that might have been forgotten.

Get a File Cabinet or Desktop File Organizer

This step obviously ties in with the previous tip. Even in a digital world, some things just have to be on paper and stored. Get a file cabinet for your office or a small organizer that will fit on your desk. Buy something based on how much paperwork you keep for work. You can keep it simple with a mesh tray or get something a little more decorative.

Give Your Desk a Deep Clean

While you are moving things around your desk, do a quick dusting and wipe everything down. You can use a damp rag with warm water and some vinegar, or use some Clorox wipes. The dust that collects on your desk can be pretty gross, with dead skin particles, dead bugs, and germs. Taking this easy step to wipe down everything on a regular basis can help keep your work area a healthy area.

Decorate, Within Reason

Having a little office flare is good for you! Looking at things that bring you joy throughout the day can help you feel less stressed out. You can bring in some photos of friends or family or maybe a small succulent. Have fun with it while remembering not to go overboard so you don't over clutter your desk.If you can find office decor that also helps organize, like a sparkly pen holder, that is even better!

Skip Desk Meals

For most of us, there are not enough hours in the day. A lot of "lunch breaks" are taken at the desk. As tempting as it is to do this in order to stay productive, don't do it!Take a break from the screen and allow yourself to decompress. Not only will you feel much better for taking a break, but your desk isn't going to get dirty faster with all those food germs.From your home office to your kitchen and everywhere in between, Primavera Cleaning Service has you covered. Hiring a professional home cleaning service can help you keep up with all the housework! Reach out for a free quote today!


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